Our Mission

Our mission is to empower persons with diverse forms of disabilities especially children in the areas of education health and entrepreneurship to empower and transform their lives.

Our Vision

To create a community where persons with diverse forms of disabilities are educated, empowered, self dependent, valued and actively involved in all aspects of the society.

Our Future Plan

To establish the DNI Institute where persons with disabilities are trained to acquire skills, empowered to reach their potential, educated on their rights and allowed to enjoy equal opportunities free from discrimination and dominated by love.

About Us

Welcome to DNI Foundation, where disability is not inability.
DNI Foundation is a duly registered non profit organization with the registrars general department of Ghana and licensed with the department of social welfare to support persons with diverse forms of disabilities especially children through education, health and entrepreneurship. We have been in existence since December 2018.
DNI Foundation currently partner with special schools to enroll children who require special assistance, our first affiliate institution is St Theresah Vocational Centre for the Physically Challenged.
How DNI came to being
Most Children with disabilities in Africa precisely Ghana are seen as spiritual beings or a sign of bad luck to their family for a past offense.
They are therefore treated with so much disdain and prejudice. Most mothers who give birth to disabled children often abandon them at the hospitals, in uncompleted buildings, forests, amongst many others.
DNI Foundation was established to give hope and a future to these hopeless ones. We may not be able to reach out to every child in this situation but with your support we hope to reach out to as many as possible.
Everyone needs a little help sometimes. After all, no one is meant to go through life alone. If life has given you blessings, it’s important to share those with your community.
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DNI Foundation was established out of genuine concern to support children with disabilities through school as study shows there is an estimated 2.5% (5 million)of Ghanaians are leaving with diverse forms of disabilities. Out of this 5 million people, an estimated 100,000 are children aged between 6-14 and an estimated 16,000 of these children are out of school due to financial constraints.
DNI Foundation believes every child should have access to quality basic education regardless of his/her physical condition or family’s financial strength.

What We do

DNI Foundation currently partner with special schools to enroll children who require special assistance, our first affiliate institution is St Theresah Vocational Centre for the Physically Challenged.
We support persons in need of medical assistance like amputation, prosthetics and physical therapy.
We also support with business set up for people who have the interest in that.
Proverbs 19:17
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.”